3DS eShop releases for 11th April
A quiet week in terms of releases, but a busy week in terms of discounts, with several titles being on sale for 2 weeks.
3DS eShop Discounts:
- Mutant Mudds – £5.39 (Was £8.09)
- Mighty Switch Force! – £4.09 (Was £5.39)
- Art of Balance TOUCH! – £4.49 (Was £6.29)
- Fun Fun Minigolf TOUCH! – £3.19 (Was £4.49)
- Gunman Clive – £1.49 (Was £1.49)
- Dress To Play: Cute Witches! – £1.79 (Was £3.59)
For the Retail Downloads:
* The Croods:Prehistoric Party (£27.99) – Based on the recent movie, this game has 30 mini games which feature levels and characters from the movie.
* Cats and Dogs 3D: Pets at Play (£24.99) – This clone of Nintendogs was released a year ago and done pretty much the same thing as Nintendogs.