Blizzard to release legacy servers for the original vanilla World of Warcraft

As stated earlier, for many years, player communities have begged Blizzard to release legacy servers for the original vanilla World of Warcraft. The downfall of game content from Wrath of the Lich King saw the thriving player base slowly decrease by half in just a few expansions. One source for this loss were privately held games that ran the games source code but hosted their own servers. These servers are also known as private servers and still exist to this day. It’s important to note that Blizzard executives have been long aware of the prevalence of these vanilla legacy private servers with their WoW TBC Classic Gold services, and so the idea of a reboot official version of vanilla World of Warcraft was never too much a stretch of the imagination. Moreover, the forums were also a key medium for the WoW classic dev team to voice their development progress to the rest of the community. Also known as dev posts”, these posts detailed key areas of development, any potential issues and the successful solutions. In doing so, Blizzard essentially struck two birds with one stone by both engaging with the community on its progress and safeguarding the spread of false information. The events in August 2016, however, have drastically changed this. Facing a potential massive backlash from the community (also known as a doomsday of a doomsday plan) based around the revelation of the ending content to the Burning Crusade expansion having WoW TBC Classic Powerleveling, Blizzard is a mile away from any interest in reviving old servers. Blizzard have stated that “no specific plans [are] available at this time”, and have made this declaration in the hopes of maintaining their current WoW developments. However, do these words hold any weight? Let’s look at the history of how they came to this decision, and what else is possible, prior to August 2016.

Shortly after the release of Deathwing, Blizzard had its very own fallout. This fallout was seen most heavily during the Vicious Horde Event, which were relatively high population instances with high health and damage based encounters. This occurred after the initial introduction of the mechanics of level 100 gear in Mists of Pandaria, leading to many players who had recently reached this level level for the first time to experience server crashes. Although the majority of these players had successfully completed the mission, having completed their steps to obtain all the required parts for their new 100 quality piece, the resulting death and destruction caused by their character’s death caused the server crash. Within a few days, due to player frustration, and an impending worldwide PC retailer outage, Blizzard rushed through updates to restore a few of the core functions, after which it started again. This will explain why Blizzard were able to fix the “Vicious Horde Event” by releasing a few quick patches with the purpose of simply fixing this issue. This alone demonstrates the willingness of Blizzard to react quickly to the community’s complaints, when previous issues that Blizzard had failed to address for as long as 5 years had caused, in a worst case scenario, an entire continent of players to be wiped out. If Blizzard had been unable to fix their faults and properly address complaints of issues for this period, it’s likely that it would have taken months before the game even went to production. These days, Blizzard have given themselves ample time to investigate the possibility of resurrecting a vanilla WoW TBC Classic Boost. However, due to Blizzard’s overall desire to keep the player base of World of Warcraft, the addition of new servers has a very low priority for Blizzard. In order to pull this off, it would take Blizzard just 1,500 person hours a month for 1 year

Categories: Uncategorized
This post was written by , posted on April 29, 2018 Sunday at 4:40 am

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