Celestial Council Congress #6 ~ 3DS Meets

3DS meet-ups have become a big thing in the past few years, thanks to groups like StreetPassUK encouraging their creation and growth. The Council is fortunate enough to be joined by 4 organisers from such groups today. We have Isobel Redsell from MonHun Offline, Andrew Runagall from StreetPass Southend, Tina Restrepo, representing NSG Hangout and Daniel Morris from The Nintendo Spot. They will each share with us what they think it is that makes 3DS meet-ups so special.


Isobel Redsell
Creative Director at MonHun Offline


3DS event organisers explain what is special about 3DS meets

The sort of antics you can expect to see at Mon Hun Offline!


“I’m very fond of 3DS meetups and definitely think they’re a good idea. Stereotypes aside, I’ll be the first to admit that gamers aren’t always the most social bunch so any excuse to get out, meet new people and have some fun is a good thing.

When you arrive at a 3DS meet you instantly have something in common with everyone else there in that you’re all gaming enthusiasts. Some people may not play the same game, or may play a different character, but you’re almost certain to find someone to play with (or against!) and that’s a great icebreaker. From there conversation flows much easier than just strutting up to strangers in pubs!

On a more personal note, I had a very rough patch a few years back and these kind of gaming meetups became my way of meeting new friends and restarting socially in London. Since then I’ve let all sorts of weird and wonderful into my life and hope to keep them! Co-running MonHun Offline is a little bit of a thank-you to gaming meetups, and I hope our events provide the opportunity for other people to make some epic friendships too!

Rock on, Nya!”


Andrew Runagall
Founder at StreetPass Southend


The StreetPass Southend logo

The StreetPass Southend logo


“Running StreetPass events can sometimes be the most rewarding but sometimes frustrating events to plan. On one hand, StreetPass UK and Nintendo UK offer as much help as they can in terms of social media by posting on their Facebook and Twitter, but that alone is just one small part of getting people to 3DS meets, the main part of a 3DS meetup is having a theme, whether it be a tournament or a launch event for a recently released game.

As I run events in Southend, I kind of have the luxury of having everything from arcades, comic book shops and even a beach where everyone can relax and play their handheld consoles.

Previously, the most popular events I have run were tournaments, and thankfully I have had the backing of Nintendo UK, Insert Coin Clothing and the Astro City arcade providing prizes, which certainly grabs people’s attention and provides an incentive to those who participate.

If you can get to a StreetPass event,  I would highly recommend that you attend as it’s a great way to make new friends and easily find people who have the same interest in the same games as yourself”.


Tina Restrepo
Co-Founder and Admin at NSG Hangout


The NSG Hangout logo

The NSG Hangout logo


“The gaming community has always brought people together, whether it may be for tournaments, launch events and promotional events for certain popular games. But wouldn’t you also want to make friends with these people face-to-face instead of facing a computer screen?

That’s exactly the reason why certain gaming groups host social meets! This is also one of the best ways to bring gamers together. Not only do we gather people to socialise – it helps you to create connections with others who have the same interests as you and you can build up something from that. You can also explore the city and have meals together.

As a person in charge of a gaming group myself, I feel that it is very important that members get to know each other this way, making the community a much more safer and sociable environment. It allows members to be comfortable with each other and become friends this way, if they like.

Seeing people interacting with others through gaming always brings a smile to my face. You’re having fun, cheering people on in tournaments and most importantly having a whale of a time. I hope I can speak for others in charge of gaming groups, when I say that we really feel like we’re giving back what the community has given us”.



Daniel Morris
Founder at The Nintendo Spot


The Nintendo Spot are awesome

HelenBaby and Cyburn enjoying themselves at a previous Nintendo Spot event


“When I was growing up gaming was more of a social event, you would either go to your friends house or get them round to play the latest games. There were of course the arcades where gamers would challenge friends and strangers as well as play to beat the highest scores on the various machines. Those days are unfortunately going into rapid decline with the rise of online gaming and lack of local multiplayer support from most games developers.

It is because of this that it is a breath of fresh air that the 3DS exists, with its StreetPass function it reignites the idea of gamers getting together to play and share ideas about the games they love. With the rise of StreetPass events all across the country it has never been a better time to be a Nintendo fan. Being with The Nintendo Spot I have been lucky enough to work with a few companies I have grown up admiring setting up events since the 3DS launched and meeting many new friends in the process.

If there is a StreetPass event in your local community make you support it, go along and bring your friends and if there’s not then why not think about starting one of your own”.



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