MHCUK : Jingle in the Tundra
It’s been quite a premier year for the team over at Monster Hunter Community UK. Starting off in March as a fairly informal meet-up, they were, nevertheless, supported by Capcom all the way, something which has culminated in the recent, well deserved appointment of the group’s owner, Jake Mackey, as Capcom’s new Official Monster Hunter Community Manager (very well done!)
Attendance figures have always been high, although they dipped a little over the summer months (not that that was a problem, as it allowed those of us that carried on attending to get to know each other a little better). Attendance figures are back up, however, just in time for all the parties. Those of you who keep an eye on our bulletins will notice we made one about the MHCUK’s Halloween bash a few months back. The event was such a roaring success that MHCUK decided to follow it up with an even more expansive Christmas bash, which will take place TOMORROW. So, what’s instore for attendees at this? :
Gorgeous venue
As with the Halloween party the Christmas event, known as MHCUK Hunting Hall : Special Episode : Jingle in the Tundra, will be held at the rather swanky Somerset Hotel. This is being financed by Nintendo in honour of the group’s awesomeness. The venue looks great and is highly spacious, which is a good thing as the event, at the time of writing, has 140 people RSVP’d as going!
Secret Santa
Attendees are encouraged to take part in the Secret Santa event (although it’s not obligatory). Maximum recommended spend is £5, and can be anything as long as you can put a Monster Hunter slant on it. Being as broke as a joke right now I’m personally working on a drawing of one of the game’s characters as my contribution to the festivities. Things you make yourself is fine, as long as you put effort in. Oh, and don’t forget to wrap it up, or Jake will hunt you!

Capcom were so impressed with Jake’s hard work for MHCUK they gave him the position of Monster Hunter Community Manager!
Monster Hunter-themed food and drink
Guests will be donating Monster Hunter-themed food and drinks, which will be shared with all, so feel free to come on down and get your snack on. The creative among you are encouraged to whip up a lil something yourself ; there will be prizes for the best edible concoctions!
MHCUK wristband
All attendees will get a free MHCUK wristband. Which, I think you’ll agree, is a sweet little freebie. From what I’ve personally seen the team produce graphics-wise in the past has led me to believe that these guys really have an eye for design, so do expect cuteness!
The team are being tight-lipped about the full range of special things happening on the day, so, in addition to all this, there looks set to be plenty of surprises on the day. One last thing ; feel free to bring along your own alcohol and whatnot!
For full information and to RSVP see here :
Read more about MHCUK on 3DSBlessed :
Monster Hunter Community (UK) :
Sign the MHCUK’s Real Hunter Map! :
The group’s official Twitter :