Monster Hunter Community (UK)

Going on from our Celestial Council discussion on Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is news of an awesome new meet-up group for Monster Hunter 3 fans who live in London. The Monster Hunter Community (UK) is run by lovely married couple Jake and Mai Nguyen-Mackey. The idea to set it up came when Jake noticed there were no regular informal MH3U meet-ups taking place in the capital and wisely decided that needed to change…


The group's logo

The group’s logo


So far the meet-ups have all taken place in the Loading Bar, situated inside the MADD café in Soho, and have proved extremely popular. The first two meets were bustling affairs where MH3U fans of all ages could be found collectively endeavouring to raise their precious HR (hunter) rank, while the third was a smaller gathering ; an 18+ ‘drunken hunt’ limited to 20 people. I have personally attended all 3 and must say I had a great time at each (although have a particular softspot for the shenanigans of the drunken meet, which I won’t go into!).


Drunken meet was drunkent. Still ; much hunting was accomplished.

Designated drunken meet was drunken. Still ; much hunting was accomplished.


Capcom have been extremely supportive of the venture and kindly provide the group with prizes to further add to the buzz.


Capcom have been very supportive of the venture

Capcom have been supportive


Don’t be put off attending if you don’t yet own a copy of the game. Truth is a fair few people show up to these meets to play other games on their 3DS and just meet other Nintendo fans. A PSP-player or two has even been spotted coming along to reminisce about older games in the franchise. With such welcoming staff and members everyone is sure to find someone to chat to/game with!


This lot are a welcoming bunch

Come join the gathering…


We’ll be sure to feature details of upcoming meets on our Events page. Aside from that you can keep up to date with the group at the following places :

Happy hunting!

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