Pokémon X/Y : Eurogamer Expo Preview

I have a confession to make. I must admit I wasn’t fussed whether I got to try the latest Pokémon at Eurogamer or not. For a start I was aware that the game uses the same turn-based, 4 move battle …Continue reading →

Sonic Lost World: Summer of Sonic Preview

I had the chance to try out Sonic Lost World at this year’s Summer of Sonic convention in Westminster, London. Both the 3DS and Wii U versions were there for demonstration, although the queues were alot longer for the Wii …Continue reading →

Shin Megami Tensei IV

It has been a long time since ATLUS’ previous numbered Shin Megami Tensei title, nine years in fact, since the release of Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne. Has the wait been worth it and is this title a strong return …Continue reading →

Luigi’s Mansion 2 – Full Review

Ah, once again Nintendo have spun out all their games with the title including Mario in some form and it is time to deliver to us a game we were promised a fair while back under the title of Luigi’s …Continue reading →

Shantae – Full Review

Info: Price £4.49, Developer: Wayforward , Genre: Platformer , Players: 1 Shantae is an 8-bit 2D platformer which was released very late into the Game Boy Color’s (GBC) lifespan back in 2002 (which also happened to be the start of …Continue reading →

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