ace attorney
Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney gets a European court date

It was only a few weeks ago, that the news of the crossover between Professor Layton and Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney) being localised in Europe and North America came through and also the Australian rating system (ACB) gave a rating …
3DS eShop releases for 24th October

A huge list of downloads this week for the 3DS, the most noticeable is the latest entry to the Ace Attorney series: Dual Destinies. While some may “Object” to Capcom’s decision to make it a eShop only release outside Japan, …
Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies Demo available on eShop

For those anxiously waiting to play the latest entry to the Ace Attorney series, there is hope in that a playable demo has been released onto the eShop as CAPCOM mentioned on today’s Nintendo Direct stream. The demo has 30 …
Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies’ court date is in October

The trial will be in late October The latest game in the Ace Attorney series: Dual Destinies, will be released in Europe and North America at the same time. On the Facebook page of Ace Attorney, CAPCOM have stated that …