Lightwood Games introduce Pic-a-Pix Color

Lightwood Games are bringing out their latest title Pic-a-Pix Color for the 3DS and Wii U eShop for 2017 and have put a puzzle to try out on their website for those interested this something a lot of people enjoy, …
Discounts for 3DS eShop from 22nd December.

There are a lot of discounts this Christmas on the 3DS eShop which start from this Thursday. Power Disc Slam (Chequered Cow Games) – €4.39/£3.99 (Ends January 2, normally €5.49/£4.99) LEGO Jurassic World (WB Games) – €19.99/£14.99 (Ends January 5, …
3DS eShop releases for 24th December

Tis the Christmas season and this week’s list with be the last before Christmas Day and while they are only a couple of new releases, they are plenty of discounts for your choosing. eShop Download: Japanese Rail Sim 3D Journey …
3DS eShop downloads for 26th November

With Christmas just over a month away, many people will be looking for bargains and new release alike for their 3DS. As well as this list, Nintendo are planning later this week to have Cyber Deals that will run from …
3DS eShop releases for 25th December

Looks like despite the Christmas holiday, the eShop still has new releases on this special day. 3DS Retail Download: TRANSFORMERS: Rise of the Dark Spark (Activision) – €39.99/£29.99 The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (Activision) – €39.99/£29.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger …