EGX17 list of Nintendo titles.

After last year’s no show Nintendo has three dedicated booths for their upcoming and present games at EGX17. Rezzed: Dandara Dimension Drive Flat Heroes Huntdown Super Meat Boy Forever Unbox: Newbie’s Adventure Worms Zone 2: Arms FIFA 18 Fire Emblem …Continue reading →

EGX Rezzed 17 Roundup

3DSBlessed once again had the privilege of attending Eurogamer’s (EGX) indie based brother Rezzed 17 at London’s Tobacco Dock. There were many developers there from well known giants e.g Team 17 and SEGA, to Indies such as Zoink Games and …Continue reading →

EGX Rezzed reveal 2017 dates.

Gamer Network have announced the dates for the 2017 EGX Rezzed convention which will be returning to London’s Tobacco Dock. EGX Rezzed 17 or 2017 will be on from 30 th March – 1 st April 2017. Tickets for EGX …Continue reading →

EGX Rezzed 2016 : Summary

EGX’s smaller brother Rezzed gloriously returned to London’s Tobacco Dock this year to promote the latest games from the world of indie (and some well-known developers) to the British public. One thing to note before I start is that this …Continue reading →

Preview: Animal Crossing : Happy Home Designer @ EGX 2015

A game developer once told me you could make a whole new game by taking a small element of an existing one and simply expanding it. Which is pretty much what has happened here with Animal Crossing : Happy Home …Continue reading →

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