senran kagura bust
3DS eShop releases for 27th August

Retail Download: Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson (Marvelous Europe, €29.99 / £24.99) DLC: Senran Kakuara 2: Deep Crimson Additional Character – Murasame (Marvelous Europe, €4.99 / £4.49) Discounts: Turtle Tale (Saturnine Games) – €1.99/£1.65 (Ends September 17, normally €2.99/£2.49) Conception …
Senran Kagura Burst gets European release

For those that like Japanese anime and big boobed ladies, then your’e in luck as this anime fighter will be in european shores for the end of February and the eshop version will be released a day earlier than the …