Shin Megami Tensei IV
3DS eShop releases for 1st December

This week is probably one of the busiest weeks of the 3DS eShop update in 2016 with releases like Super Mario Maker and Picross 3D: Round 2. In addition SEGA have loads of discounts for their 25th Anniversary of Sonic. …
SMT IV: Apocalypse and 7th Dragon III Code: VFD to get Euro releases for end of 2016

They was much rejoice when Deep Silver Games announced that they were going to release Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse and 7th Dragon III Code: VFD to Europe, as SEGA previously stated they weren’t planning on releasing the latter to …
3DS eShop releases for 25th June

Morning 3DS gamers, after Nintendo’s somewhat disappointing E3 last week it is back to business with the downloads on 3DS eShop. Download eShop: Tappingo 2 (Goodbye Galaxy Games, €2.99 / £2.39) Retail eShop: Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3 (Koei Tecmo, €39.99 …
3DS eShop releases for 22th January

After last week’s big news of the new 3DS model releases for next month as well as some big titles coming out on the same day (Zelda: Majora’s Mask and Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate) many people are lining up to …
3DS eShop releases for 30th October

Good morning 3DS gamers, it’s Halloween this Friday and among the releases are some spooky titles to celebrate along with a long awaited Atlus title. eShop: Shin Megami Tensei IV (Atlus) – €19.99/£17.99 Zombie Panic in Wonderland DX (Akaoni Studio) …