3DSBlessed Looking For Affiliates!

3DSBlessed are looking for some fellow websites to exchange affiliate links with! These could be 3DS sites like our’s, general gaming sites, or even general geek websites! Why would you want to affiliate with 3DSBlessed? Well, despite our relatively low …
Project X Zone – Full Review

Everyone loves a cross-over right? It’s every fanboy’s dream to watch their favourite characters beat each other senseless for their personal enjoyment. Cross-overs over years have proven to be very successful, from Capcom Vs Marvel, Capcom Vs KOF (King of …
Standard 3DS vs 3DS XL

Seeing as I run a 3DS website people always ask me : which 3DS is best? Ofcourse the official line is that its the 3DS XL, and this is the line you’ll always get if you ask about it in …