3DS eShop releases for 16th February

As we are nearing the release of the Switch, the eShop still has releases coming out on the 3DS side at least. eShop Download: Tank Troopers (Nintendo) – €7.99/£7.19 eShop Retail: Dragon Ball Fusions (BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment, available February 17) …
3DS eShop releases for 18th February

Retail Download: Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon (Nintendo, available February 19) – €39.99/£34.99 Return to PopoloCrois: A STORY OF SEASONS Fairytale (Marvelous) – €34.99/£29.99 Themes: Dreamcast (SEGA, €1.79/ £1.59) Hi-Tech Sega (SEGA, €1.79/ £1.59) SEGA Saturn (SEGA, €1.79/ £1.59) Pokémon: Champion …
3DS eShop releases for 29th January

It’s getting closer and closer to the release of not only the new 3DS models, but titles such as Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate and Zelda: Majora’s Mask as well. But for this week we will have to settle for a …
3DS eShop downloads for 15th January

This Monday has been miserable weather wise, but hopefully these releases will brighten the day of even the most gloomy gamer. One of the games is the start of the second wave of SEGA’s 3D Classics range provided by M2. …
3DS eShop downloads for 1st January 2015

Well it’s almost the end of 2014 and the start of 2015 and it’s a quiet start to the year at least for the 3DS: HOME Themes Pokémon: Slowpoke (Nintendo, €1.99 / £1.79) NES Fire-Breathing Bowser (Nintendo, €1.99 / £1.79) …