virtual console

3DS eShop releases for 24th March

The latest adventure from the world of Hyrule will be coming to the 3DS this Thursday along with more SNES Virtual Console titles for the NEW 3DS/XL. Retail Download: Hyrule Warriors Legends (Nintendo, €39.99/ £34.99) DLC: Hyrule Warriors: Legends: Legends …Continue reading →

3DS eShop releases for 17th March

This week we have the latest title from Renegade Kid and those hungering for more Mutant Mudds will be pleased as well as some more SNES VC titles and some discounts. Also the latest amiibo models (Famicom R.O.B, Roy and …Continue reading →

3DS eShop releases for 10th March

For this week we have 2 SNES titles which were introduced as part of a range in last week’s Direct stream. In addition we have an RPG from Atlus/NIS America, some discounts and a demo from our friends at Lightwood …Continue reading →

3DS eShop releases for 25th February

We have several big releases for Thursday and the weekend as well and most of these release have a nostalgic vibe to them. eShop Download: Mega Man Legacy Collection (CAPCOM, available February 23) – €14.99/£11.99 Excave III: Tower of Destiny …Continue reading →

Prices for Pokemon Red/Blue and Yellow VC releases confirmed

The prices for the upcoming Virtual Console releases of Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow have been revealed ahead for their release date of 27th February 2016. The UK/EU prices have finally been confirmed and each game will cost £8.99/€9.99 respectively.

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