3DS eShop releases for 12th September
A very modest week for 3DS releases this week but as one of those releases is a Sonic game (Not Lost World, thats not for a while folks) it could be a wanted title for some.
3DS Retail:
- Sonic Generations (SEGA, £19.99) – This handheld addition of Sonic Generations feels more like a spruced up version of the Sonic Rush series for the DS than the revolutionary console version, but is a good game nor the less.
3DS eShop:
- Secrets of the Titanic (Avanquest, £9.99) – While the 100th anniversary of the Titanic sinking was last year, Avanquest have released this puzzle/adventure game which has a theme related to the doomed vessel.
That is all for this week, hopefully the following weeks will have more loaded releases especially with Eurogamer 2013 coming up at the end of September