Interview with Jonathan Town
Jonathan Town will need no introduction to many of you. He is, ofcourse, the former Nintendo Community Manager, and also happens to be a hardcore 3DS fan. He has kindly agreed to take some time out of his busy schedule to answer some questions relating to the console he loves.
What was the first 3DS game you ever bought?
When the console first launched I was looking after trade marketing for the Nintendo account at GAME HQ, so I managed to acquire every single launch game for free (some of which were pretty rubbish it’s fair to say). I think the first game I actually paid money for was an import copy of Ex Troopers for my Japanese console. It’s a real shame that the game never made it over here, it’s basically an anime cel-shaded Lost Planet spin-off.
What 3DS title sits at the top of your Activity Log Charts?
It’s a close tie between Mario Kart 7 and Animal Crossing: New Leaf, both at around 200 hours or so. I’m sure eventually 3D Out Run (3DSBlessed interview here) will overtake both though.
Do you read 3DSBlessed?
Sure, I peruse it from time to time.
What’s your favourite 3DS release so far?
3D Out Run and Super Mario 3D Land.
We know you are something of a 3DS console collector. How many do you have now?
I *think* about 15. But I’m not certain, I have them all over the house / loft…
Which non-Nintendo game or franchise would you most like to see arrive in the 3DS library?
Old arcade games from Konami, like Sunset Riders and Xexex.
3D slider ; on or off for you?
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