Preview: Skylanders Superchargers @ EGX 2015
Skylanders Superchargers is a new 3DS racer. It was released in Europe on September 25th 2015.
What surprised me most about this title when I played the EGX demo was how similar it was to Mario Kart 7 in pretty much every respect. Hey, I’m not throwing shade here! In fact I applaud the decision, if you’re going to decide to emulate another game’s style at least make damn sure you choose a good one, I can’t think of a portable racer I prefer over Mario Kart 7!
I was actually really impressed at how well the Skylanders team were able to mimic the sense of fun found in Mario Kart 7, from the vehicle handling to the graphical style. It makes me proud that Skylanders’ fanbase (predominantly children, many of whom are new to video games) will get to experience a touch of Nintendo magic while playing this, even if only via proxy!
As anyone who knows anything about Skylanders would be able to guess, this title is compatible with the franchise’s various action figures. In fact, according to the website the game will be compatible with –all- of the previous figures. There will, in addition, be some new introductions. Including a small number of Nintendo characters, such as King Bowser and Donkey Kong (which can also act as Amiibos in games like Smash Bros).
Official Page on the Skylanders website :