Professor Layton Vs. Ace Attorney will be coming to Europe after all
During today’s Nintendo Direct podcast, the announcement of the cross-over title: Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney will be localised into English and released into the North American and European market for early 2014.
The game will be set in medieval Labyrinth City, and calls for Phoenix Wright and Hershel Layton to work together and break the power of the villainous Story Teller, who has the power to turn the written word into reality.
Also the final game in the prequel trio (and possibly in general) of the Layton Series: Professor Layton and the Azran Legacies will be released on the 8th November 2013 in Europe for both retail and eShop.
For those who missed the European Nintendo Direct Podcast you can check it out at Nintendo UK’s Youtube channel: