3DS eShop releases for 29th August

Today although it’s Bank Holiday Monday its still time for the latest list of releases for the final week of August. 3DS Virtual Console: Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos (TECMO KOEI GAMES, £4.49) 3DS Retail: Disney Planes …
3DS eShop releases for 25th July

The Wii U gets the 3rd game in the Pikmin series, but not to worry there are several games for the 3DS eShop this week: Virtual Console Street Gangs (Arc System Works, £4.49) — Was …
3DS eShop releases for 6th June

After last weeks’ major releases of Both Zelda Oracle Games(GBC) , this week is pretty quiet on the 3DS side of things will only 1 release for the 3DS and 2 games for the DSiWare. 3DS Retail: * Tetris (Tetris …