
Best places to get Streetpasses in the UK

Every single time I attend an event which involves 3DS multiplay as one of its attractions I hear atleast one person say “I only came along for the Streetpass Hits”. In response to this I’ve decided to put together a …Continue reading →

Pokémon X/Y : Eurogamer Expo Preview

I have a confession to make. I must admit I wasn’t fussed whether I got to try the latest Pokémon at Eurogamer or not. For a start I was aware that the game uses the same turn-based, 4 move battle …Continue reading →

Sonic Lost World : Eurogamer Expo Preview

I managed to get my hands on the 3DS version of Sonic Lost World, which Cyburn also covered earlier this year at Summer of Sonic (you can read his impressions here). As Cyburn noted ; the game takes hints from …Continue reading →

3DS eShop releases for 26th September

Some football updates, soul hacking and jewel puzzling. Its Monday and today it’s Nintendo’s 124th birthday, thats right Nintendo is that old and some may be wondering how, as video games only around out for the past 40 yearsand the …Continue reading →

3DS eShop releases for 19th September

Some Galactic Pinball, Hadoukens and BMX action Good evening 3DS gamers, its that time of week again – The latest list of 3DS downloads. For those of you who are not caught up in the GTA V launch frenzy tonight, …Continue reading →

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