Fire Emblem
Nintendo Direct 1st April stream summary

Yesterday’s stream which at first most people thought as an April Fools joke due to the day it was on, shows us what Nintendo is bringing out for the 3DS and Wii U in the coming months and even next …
Preview: Super Smash Bros @ EGX 2014

The public demo for Super Smash Bros that was released back in early September was quite limited, especially in terms of character/stage selection. The EGX booth demo, on the other hand, provided a much more generous selection of characters and …
Nintendo 3DS eShop sale between 21-28th August for SSB promotion.

Nintendo of Europe announced that to promote the upcoming Super Smash Bros which is released on the 3rd October (3DS edition), they are having a sale for several games which characters will be in the latest game. Here are the …
Hindsight Review #3 – Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars

One of the launch games for the Nintendo 3DS, Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars from UbiSoft is a turn based strategy title with a similar feel to Advance Wars and Fire Emblem but easier to get into. The story feels like …
Marth returns for Super Smash Bros 3DS

For those who are fans of both the Fire Emblem series and the Super Smash series, today Nintendo confirmed that Marth, who originally appeared in Super Smash Bros Melee for the Gamecube is returning for the latest Super Smash Bros …