Worcle Worlds Review for 3DS

Lightwood Games have made their scene on the 3DS and Wii U with their mobile based games ported to Nintendo platforms such as Pic-A-Pix and World Puzzles. Their latest title Worcle Worlds uses the core gameplay from well known games …
Word Puzzles – Full Review

Those of you who love word puzzles and word searches will find Lightwood Games Word Puzzles POWGI worth a look. It has been released for both the 3DS and the Wii U. Its developer Lightwood games have previously done well …
Pokemon Shuffle to get Android/iOS versions

Pokemon Shuffle along with it’s newer sibling Pokemon Rumble World are examples of Nintendo experimenting with the idea of F2P (Free to Play) which basically involves downloading the game itself for free, but in order to advance efficiently the player …