jupiter software

Picross 3D to get a sequel for 3DS

Fans of Picross DS and it’s predecessor Mario Picross have had 6 games on the 3DS eShop (Picross e to e6) to play with., those who prefer the 3D version have had nothing since Picross 3D came out in 2009 …Continue reading →

3DS eShop releases for 22nd May

Today was one of the hottest days of 2014 (weather wise), but this selection of games is a bit cooler than in previous weeks (e.g last week’s main release Kirby Triple Deluxe). eShop: PICROSS e4 (Jupiter) – £4.50 Turtle Tale …Continue reading →

Picross E3 – Full Review

I have been a fan of the Picross series since Picross DS and have grown to love this series despite some of the puzzles being frustrating. That said : if all the puzzles were easy then there would be no …Continue reading →

Picross e4 announced, European & North American dates confirmed

UPDATE: The European and North American release dates are the 22nd May and the 1st May respectively. As Picross E3 launches tomorrow (14th November) in Europe, Jupiter Software have announced that Picross E4 will be released on the Japanese eShop …Continue reading →

3DS eShop releases for 14th November

A gloomy monday with the weather, but with this week’s releases you may cheer up. The long awaited puzzler Picross e3 is out this Thursday along with some other titles and discounts. eShop games: Picross e3 (Jupiter Corporation, £4.50) – …Continue reading →

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