
Hyper Sentinel has it’s target on the Nintendo Switch.

Huey Games had successful funded their upcoming shoot em up Hyper Sentinel via Kickstarter and their targeted platforms were PC, Mac, PS4, Xbox One as well as iOS and Android. Now the Nintendo Switch has been added to the list for …Continue reading →

Preview: Shovel Knight 3DS @ EGX 2014

We at 3DSBlessed got the chance to try out Yacht Club Games’ platformer Shovel Knight at EGX14. Shovel Knight at first sight looks like a NES game owing to its retro 8bit appearance, and is in many ways a shoutout to …Continue reading →

Interview with Yacht Club Games @ EGX 2014

Myself and Cyburn were fortunate enough to once again get a chance to cover the UK’s premier gaming convention EGX. Among the many wonderful gaming professionals we had the pleasure of meeting on the con floor this year were Yacht …Continue reading →

Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse : Eurogamer Expo Preview

One of the sought-after titles in Nintendo’s Indie Zone at Eurogamer Expo 13 was Wayfoward’s latest addition to the Shantae series: Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse. Shantae has lost her animal magic powers and must instead use pirate gear to …Continue reading →

Please Help The Chaos Hour!

The Chaos Hour is a Welsh Geek Lifestyle e-zine. They feature coverage of video games, movies, sci-fi and more. Anything big in the world of geekdom you can think of ; chances are its there.     The site is …Continue reading →

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