
3DS download list for 8th October

There is only one new release this week, but for many it is the only game they want and that is Sonic 2 in 3D as part of SEGA and M2 3D Classics range. eShop Download: 3D Sonic the Hedgehog …Continue reading →

3DS eShop downloads for 20th August

Another summer week, although a bit more exciting as we have another SEGA 3D Classic/M2 title and a Minecraft clone on the 3DS eShop as well as demos and discounts. eShop Download: 3D Gunstar Heroes (SEGA/M2) – €4.99/£4.49 Cube Creator …Continue reading →

Second wave of SEGA’s 3D Classic range starts on 15th January

A few months back SEGA and M2 announced that they were releasing the second wave of 3D Classics in Europe/North America after the first wave was a success and has pleased many retro fans of these franchises. The first game …Continue reading →

3D Outrun given Japanese release date and details.

Due to the successful of SEGA 3D Classics range last year remastered by M2, them and SEGA are going to release a second wave of games under the 3D Classic range. One of these will be a remastered edition of …Continue reading →

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