max maslen

StreetPass London – Round up

Last Sunday saw the premier get-together of StreetPass Uk’s latest meetup group, 3DSBlessed’s very own StreetPass London! Taking place at the Royal Festival Hall, this event was attended by no less than 24 attendees willing to come on down and get their …Continue reading →

DS:London : Meet, drink and play Nintendo

DS:London is a long-running meet-up group that meets in Central London approximately every 3 weeks. The main activity of these meets is, ofcourse, getting stuck in to some multiplayer gaming with the latest handheld Nintendo consoles. This makes it an …Continue reading →

Celestial Council Congress #2 ~ 3DS Multiplayer Games

For this, our second Celestial Council Congress, we thought we’d ask the good people of DS:London to advise us on good multiplayer 3DS titles. They are, after all, authorities on such matters. Taking part this time is Max Maslen, who …Continue reading →

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