
Game Changer @ Stane St. Syndicate

Stane St.Syndicate’s monthly Game Changer nights constitute the newest addition to London’s thriving gaming scene. These themed nights (previous themes have included fighting games among other things) feature several retro consoles being set up around the venue, each running a …Continue reading →

Preview: Shovel Knight 3DS @ EGX 2014

We at 3DSBlessed got the chance to try out Yacht Club Games’ platformer Shovel Knight at EGX14. Shovel Knight at first sight looks like a NES game owing to its retro 8bit appearance, and is in many ways a shoutout to …Continue reading →

3DS eShop releases for 9th October

After the excitement for the launch of Super Smash Bros 3DS, it’s time to quieten down a bit in terms of big releases for the time being. eShop: Painting Workshop (Collavier) – €3.99/£3.59 Virtual Console: Mighty Final Fight [NES] (Capcom) …Continue reading →

Interview with Yacht Club Games @ EGX 2014

Myself and Cyburn were fortunate enough to once again get a chance to cover the UK’s premier gaming convention EGX. Among the many wonderful gaming professionals we had the pleasure of meeting on the con floor this year were Yacht …Continue reading →

Ultimate NES Remix announced for 3DS this November

The well known NES Remix series which was released on the Wii U eShop is getting a 3DS release which will be titled Ultimate NES Remix. Ultimate NES Remix will include challenges and mash-ups from 16 of Nintendo’s NES games. …Continue reading →

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