pac man
3DS eShop releases for 16th October

Good morning readers, a gloomy morning which is typical for October. But that doesn’t mean this week’s eShop selection is gloomy. eShop Retail: Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures 2 (Bandai Namco Games) – €34.99/£24.99 Survivor – Heroes (Bigben Interactive) – …
Super Smash Bros (3DS) Launch Events

The launch of what looks set to be one of the 3DS’ best multiplayer games is steadily approaching. Yes, Super Smash Bros (aka Smash Bros 4) will be coming to our 3DS screens on Friday the 3rd of October, featuring …
3DS eShop releases for 6th March 2014

The release list for this Thursday came a day later than usual but none the less, a huge list it is for the 3DS eShop which most of that list consisting of discounts: On another note the Year of Luigi …