Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse
Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse – Full Review

Shantae has come a long way since her origins on the Game Boy Color back in 2002, ending up severely overlooked thanks to the Game Boy Advance launching the year before. It wasn’t until 2010 that she got a sequel …
EGX 2014 : Summary

Once again myself and Cyburn have worked extremely hard this past month to bring to you previews of every single 3DS game on show at this year’s EGX. Which, this year, proved to be a massive 14 titles! As with …
Preview: Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse @ EGX 2014

Take a curvy young Middle Eastern (or Sequinian if you want to be specific) lass and infuse her with Will Smith’s charisma plus Willow’s penchant for whipping hair back and fourth and you have feisty genie Shantae. As protagonists go …
Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse delayed until 2014

For all those waiting for the latest exclusive 3DS Shantae game you are going to have to be even more patient, as Matt Bozon from Wayforward stated via Twitter that the game will likely be released in 2014, specifically around …
Eurogamer 2013 : Summary

Myself and Cyburn have been busy bees this last month, bringing you previews of every single 3DS game on show at Eurogamer 2013. Here’s a summary of all our articles : Cyburn’s : – Putty Squad : Eurogamer Expo …