sonic lost world
Eurogamer 2013 : Summary

Myself and Cyburn have been busy bees this last month, bringing you previews of every single 3DS game on show at Eurogamer 2013. Here’s a summary of all our articles : Cyburn’s : – Putty Squad : Eurogamer Expo …
Whistler’s Play Expo Round Up

And so with the weekend over and the dust settled I finally got back from Play Expo in Manchester; of which there were plenty of games on show such as From Software’s Dark Souls 2, Gamefreak’s latest Pokemon’s X and …
3DS eShop releases for 17th October

With today being blue and gloomy (weather wise), this week will feature a blue release which is anything but gloomy. 3DS Retail Download: Sonic Lost World (SEGA, £34.99) (Available on the 18th October) Game Festival 2 (Big Ben, £19.99) 3DS …
Sonic Lost World : Eurogamer Expo Preview

I managed to get my hands on the 3DS version of Sonic Lost World, which Cyburn also covered earlier this year at Summer of Sonic (you can read his impressions here). As Cyburn noted ; the game takes hints from …
Sonic Lost World: Summer of Sonic Preview

I had the chance to try out Sonic Lost World at this year’s Summer of Sonic convention in Westminster, London. Both the 3DS and Wii U versions were there for demonstration, although the queues were alot longer for the Wii …