touch screen
3D Out Run – Full Review

Out Run is one of those games that was a must-play in the arcades back in the 1980s, a time when the arcade was -the- place to play the best games. Of course these days it is home alternatives which …
Preview: Moon Chronicles @ EGX 2014

Renegade Kid (best known for Mutant Mudds) have re-released Moon, which was originally on the DS, and renamed it Moon Chronicle. Moon Chronicles is a first person shooter (FPS), a genre rarely seen on the Nintendo 3DS (and even the …
Preview: Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal @ EGX 2014

Sonic’s latest adventure was playable on both the 3DS and Wii U at EGX14, and thankfully we got the chance to play them both (earning ourselves rather swanky Sonic hats in the process). However, given the nature of the site …