Wii U

Nintendo Direct 1st April stream summary

Yesterday’s stream which at first most people thought as an April Fools joke due to the day it was on, shows us what Nintendo is bringing out for the 3DS and Wii U in the coming months and even next …Continue reading →

Preview: Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal @ EGX 2014

Sonic’s latest adventure was playable on both the 3DS and Wii U at EGX14, and thankfully we got the chance to play them both (earning ourselves rather swanky Sonic hats in the process). However, given the nature of the site …Continue reading →

Nintendo reveals EGX14 lineup

With less than a week to go until Eurogamer Expo 14 (EGX 14) is in London at the famous Earls Court, many were wondering about Nintendo’s plan for promoting their latest releases. Today Eurogamer have published Nintendo’s list of games …Continue reading →

3DS eShop releases for 4th September

It’s September and that means the gaming drought is at is end and gaming releases will be more numerous from here on until next Summer. Anyway here are some releases and discounts including some Zelda discounts. eShop: European Conqueror 3D …Continue reading →

Ultimate NES Remix announced for 3DS this November

The well known NES Remix series which was released on the Wii U eShop is getting a 3DS release which will be titled Ultimate NES Remix. Ultimate NES Remix will include challenges and mash-ups from 16 of Nintendo’s NES games. …Continue reading →

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