Wii U
3DS eShop releases for 29th May

While Wii U owners are looking to the upcoming Mario Kart 8 which will hit stores and the eShop this Friday, we 3DS owners still have plenty of goods this week including discounts from the Capcom and Gamelion ranges. eShop: …
Hindsight Review #1 – Super Pokémon Rumble

It’s been a while since we introduced a new segment on 3DSBlessed, so here’s a fresh one for you to sink your teeth into ; Hindsight Reviews. 3DSBlessed was launched in 2013, two years after the console’s launch. Reviews on …
3DS eShop releases for 3rd April

Its Monday and as always it’s eShop release time for you 3DS owners. 3DS Retail Download Super Monkey Ball 3D (Sega, £14.99) eShop Bubble Pop World (Cypronia, £4.49) — A new AR title, a feature underused in 3DS games …
GBA VC games could still be a possibility according to Natsume

Its been over 2 years since the ambassador program gave early 3DS adapters 10 free GBA games as well as 10 NES games and that led many to believe that the 3DS Virtual Console would add GBA titles to the …