Yoshi’s New Island hits in March

Yoshi’s New Island, which is the sequel to the SNES Yoshi’s Land the the DS game Yoshi’s Island DS will be coming out in Europe on March 14th, along side the boxart for it.


EU boxart

Nintendo UK have given a basic plotline from the press release:

Rendered in a variety of art styles that illustrate the fairytale charm of the Yoshi universe, Yoshi’s New Island invites you to gobble up or stomp on enemies big and small in a bid to help safely reunite Baby Mario with his brother!

The tale of Yoshi’s New Island is a sequel to the Super Nintendo title Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island, and is set in a new location, Egg Island. In this new chapter in the series, Baby Luigi has been whisked away once again, leaving it up to the Yoshi clan to keep Baby Mario out of harm’s way and embark on a mission of discovery.

Expect to see more as the game gets nearer to release


This post was written by , posted on January 23, 2014 Thursday at 5:27 pm

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