
The amiibo Jukebox

Just place an amiibo on this device and it will play a track relating to that amiibo's character!

The amiibo Jukebox is a one-of-a-kind device. It responds to having an amiibo placed on it by playing a music track related to that amiibo. So, for example, if you placed a Sonic amiibo on top it would play ‘Live …Continue reading →

StreetPass Essex Meet This Sunday!

StreetPass Essex is now a thing! Well, in truth it’s a unification of the various existing Essex StreetPassUK groups (StreetPass Southend, StreetPass Basildon, StreetPass Colchester and StreetPass Lakeside, with a sprinkling of Monster Hunter Essex). You could say it’s something …Continue reading →

Fire Emblem Fates : Early Thoughts

Fire Emblem Fates is split into two games: Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright (White Night Kingdom), and Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest (Dark Knight Kingdom). There are major differences between the two versions, both in gameplay and story. Birthright plays similar to …Continue reading →

Top 5 3DS Games of 2014

With the year’s end once again drawing upon us the time has come to put our feet up, lie back in a comfy position and take stock of the year now nearly at its end. I have found myself saying …Continue reading →

Celestial Council Congress #5 ~ Best Use of StreetPass

After a long break the Celestial Council have reconvened! This time the Councillors come together to talk about the games they feel make the best use of the 3DS’ StreetPass function. Taking part this time is Nameri, Derrin Jacques, NintyFanDavid …Continue reading →

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