Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies’ court date is in October

The trial will be in late October

The latest game in the Ace Attorney series: Dual Destinies, will be released in Europe and North America at the same time.

On the Facebook page of Ace Attorney, CAPCOM have stated that the release date will be on the 24th October and the price will be $29.99/€24.99 (although no UK price has been stated yet).

This as stated before will just be an eShop release in the West, while Japan gets both the eShop and a Boxed release. There was a campaign to get a boxed retail release in the West for AA5, but it did not succeed.


How Phoenix feels about the lack of a boxed release in the West

Again regarding the UK price, there has been discussion on twitter and gaming message boards that will be between £20-25 and some even saying £30. If there was a boxed retail edition that itself would probably be around £35-40 RRP and considering in the past titles there stock had been quite limited, that price could go higher if stock is not renewed.

Source: Facebook: Ace Attorney

Sprite: Ace Attorney Wikia

This post was written by , posted on September 18, 2013 Wednesday at 6:22 pm

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