Nintendo Switch sells 4.7 million units worldwide
Nintendo has released their earnings report ending 30th June 2017 and it has stated that the Switch console has sold 4.7 million units so far. This figure may seem surprising seeing as the console as seen stock shortages worldwide due to demand.
Switch software has sold 13.6 million units with Legend of Zelda making the highest portion with 3.92 million units sold, with MK8 Deluxe coming second at 3.54 million units.
It’s predecessor the Wii U only managed to sell 13.56 million units (from launch to ending December 2016), so the Switch looks likely to beat the Wii U at least but pales compared to the DS and Wii sales at 154.02 million and 101.63 million respectively.
Here is the link to Nintendo’s earning report