ace attorney

Ace Attorney 5 will NOT get a boxed release in the West

There was the news that Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies wasn’t getting a boxed release on the launch day outside Japan, but that there was some hope that if the demand was high enough that a boxed release could have been …Continue reading →

Professor Layton Vs. Ace Attorney will be coming to Europe after all

During today’s Nintendo Direct podcast, the announcement of the cross-over title: Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney will be localised into English and released into the North American and European market for early 2014. The game will be set in medieval …Continue reading →

Hope for a EU release of Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney

For those wishing for a European release of the crossover: Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney, that may come true according to a CEO from Level-5. Many people were skeptical that Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney would get an English language …Continue reading →

Ace Attorney 5 is Download only to get it released quicker

For many fans of the Ace Attorney, the news that the fifth game “Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney — Dual Destinies” was getting a digital release for the English language release on eShop did not go down well. The AA Courtroom …Continue reading →

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