ace attorney
Ace Attorney 5 will NOT get a boxed release in the West

There was the news that Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies wasn’t getting a boxed release on the launch day outside Japan, but that there was some hope that if the demand was high enough that a boxed release could have been …
Professor Layton Vs. Ace Attorney will be coming to Europe after all

During today’s Nintendo Direct podcast, the announcement of the cross-over title: Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney will be localised into English and released into the North American and European market for early 2014. The game will be set in medieval …
Hope for a EU release of Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney

For those wishing for a European release of the crossover: Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney, that may come true according to a CEO from Level-5. Many people were skeptical that Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney would get an English language …
Ace Attorney 5 is Download only to get it released quicker

For many fans of the Ace Attorney, the news that the fifth game “Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney — Dual Destinies” was getting a digital release for the English language release on eShop did not go down well. The AA Courtroom …