Preview: Terraria @ EGX 2015

Terraria logo

Terraria, like Minecraft, is a game concerned with exploration, building, and action. One of the differences between the two is that Terraria is in 2D, whereas Minecraft is in 3D. The game has been released on various consoles and formats …Continue reading →

Top 5 3DS Games of 2014

With the year’s end once again drawing upon us the time has come to put our feet up, lie back in a comfy position and take stock of the year now nearly at its end. I have found myself saying …Continue reading →

EGX 2014 : Summary

Once again myself and Cyburn have worked extremely hard this past month to bring to you previews of every single 3DS game on show at this year’s EGX. Which, this year, proved to be a massive 14 titles! As with …Continue reading →

Preview: Super Smash Bros @ EGX 2014

The public demo for Super Smash Bros that was released back in early September was quite limited, especially in terms of character/stage selection. The EGX booth demo, on the other hand, provided a much more generous selection of characters and …Continue reading →

Preview: Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse @ EGX 2014

Take a curvy young Middle Eastern (or Sequinian if you want to be specific) lass and infuse her with Will Smith’s charisma plus Willow’s penchant for whipping hair back and fourth and you have feisty genie Shantae. As protagonists go …Continue reading →

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