
Mighty Switch Force 2 Announced

For those that have played Mighty Switch Force for the 3DS eShop, there will be good news as Wayforward are announcing the sequel to be released this Spring and hence more adventures with Patricia Wagon. Patricia has some new moves …Continue reading →

eShop downloads for 14th March 2013

A bit quiet this week in terms of release but none the less. Starting with 3DS eShop exclusives we have Viking Invasion 2:Tower Defense (£6.99), which is similar to games like Kingdom Rush and Fieldrunners in that you can build …Continue reading →

Zelda Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages could get EU release for Summer 2013

The two Zelda games which were originally for the Game Boy Color were both released in the Japanese eShop last month and at that time they was no word on whether they would see the light of day in the …Continue reading →

This weeks’ eShop releases (EU) – 7th March

Nano Assault EX, arrives in the EU which is an extended version of the current release Nano Assault which didnt get an EU release originally. On the Retail Download section, we have Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate, …Continue reading →

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