
Love Your Local GAME!

Whether you pronounce it ‘game’ or ‘jee-eh-em-ee’ (well, perhaps the latter is just me…) you nevertheless must give the national video game chain store GAME credit. Surviving both the general demise of high street gaming outlets throughout the country in …Continue reading →

DS:London : Meet, drink and play Nintendo

DS:London is a long-running meet-up group that meets in Central London approximately every 3 weeks. The main activity of these meets is, ofcourse, getting stuck in to some multiplayer gaming with the latest handheld Nintendo consoles. This makes it an …Continue reading →

Please Help The Chaos Hour!

The Chaos Hour is a Welsh Geek Lifestyle e-zine. They feature coverage of video games, movies, sci-fi and more. Anything big in the world of geekdom you can think of ; chances are its there.     The site is …Continue reading →

Eurogamer 2013

The Uk’s favourite gaming convention, Eurogamer, will be making its triumphant return to Earl’s Court (London, Uk) this year between the 26th and 29th of September. Now in its 6th year, up to 70,000 gamers will be showing up to …Continue reading →

Off The Page : Gaming – Round-up

I was fortunate enough to be a guest at the first Off The Page event. The Off The Page events series is hosted by Four Colman Getty, a PR company who specialise in culture and campaigning and are frequently involved …Continue reading →

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