nintendo direct
3DS eShop releases for 3rd October

Well after the excitement of Eurogamer EXPO 2013, it feels relaxing to get back to the routine of things and one way to do that is to tell you the latest releases for the eShop starting off with a well-sought …
Professor Layton Vs. Ace Attorney will be coming to Europe after all

During today’s Nintendo Direct podcast, the announcement of the cross-over title: Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney will be localised into English and released into the North American and European market for early 2014. The game will be set in medieval …
3DS to get 13 more Game Gear games on Virtual Console

The lack of Game Gear games on the Virtual Console has been of some concern for SEGA fans, but they have reason to rejoice following today’s announcement. According to the latest North American Nintendo Direct broadcast, there will be an …
Summary of 3DS Nintendo Direct April podcast

The Nintendo Direct podcast that was broadcast on Wednesday gave a huge amount of announcements and updates to the 3DS library, the main highlights being: A sequel to the SNES classic Zelda:A Link to the Past and several new Mario …
New 3DS themed Nintendo Direct out this Wednesday (17th April)

For those that are wondering when the next Nintendo Direct broadcast is coming out? The answer is this Wednesday. The broadcast will be on at around 3pm (UK Time), while the content haven’t been revealed as of yet; There are …