sonic generations
Preview: Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal @ EGX 2014

Sonic’s latest adventure was playable on both the 3DS and Wii U at EGX14, and thankfully we got the chance to play them both (earning ourselves rather swanky Sonic hats in the process). However, given the nature of the site …
Sonic Lost World Meet : Hard Mode

The SonicLondon gang are once again returning to Meltdown London for our 13th meet-up this Sunday, the 23rd February. The shenanigans will kick off at 1:30, and go on til late. Before I begin I must point out that these …
Whistler’s Play Expo Round Up

And so with the weekend over and the dust settled I finally got back from Play Expo in Manchester; of which there were plenty of games on show such as From Software’s Dark Souls 2, Gamefreak’s latest Pokemon’s X and …
Sonic Lost World : Eurogamer Expo Preview

I managed to get my hands on the 3DS version of Sonic Lost World, which Cyburn also covered earlier this year at Summer of Sonic (you can read his impressions here). As Cyburn noted ; the game takes hints from …