virtual console

3DS eShop releases for 22nd August

Its Monday and you know what that means: the latest eShop titles for the 3DS are here for release on Thursday and we have some goodies in store. 3DS eShop: Boulder Dash-XL 3D (Reef Entertainment,  £4.49) – This follow up …Continue reading →

3DS eShop releases for 15th August

This week seems to make up for a lack of releases over the past few weeks due to the “summer drought”, also with some discounts and a demo of a long-awaited game. 3DS eShop: Bike Rider DX (SPICYSOFT, £4.99) Heavy …Continue reading →

Shantae – Full Review

Info: Price £4.49, Developer: Wayforward , Genre: Platformer , Players: 1 Shantae is an 8-bit 2D platformer which was released very late into the Game Boy Color’s (GBC) lifespan back in 2002 (which also happened to be the start of …Continue reading →

3DS eShop releases for 25th July

The Wii U gets the 3rd game in the Pikmin series, but not to worry there are several games for the 3DS eShop this week:           Virtual Console Street Gangs (Arc System Works, £4.49) — Was …Continue reading →

3DS eShop releases for 18th July

A hair whipping genie and some discounts This week see the release of the long awaited Shantae (GBC) an extremely rare game which came at the end of the Game Boy Color’s life in 2002. Also we have some discounts …Continue reading →

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