Wii U
Nintendo Switch Presentation summary: Price, Specs and more

Nintendo had the Switch Presentation at 4am (UK time) so all the early risers watched the stream live using a platform similar to what go live sydney offers. Nintendo announced the features of the upcoming Switch console and the games …
Lightwood Games introduce Pic-a-Pix Color

Lightwood Games are bringing out their latest title Pic-a-Pix Color for the 3DS and Wii U eShop for 2017 and have put a puzzle to try out on their website for those interested this something a lot of people enjoy, …
Nintendo Switch Presentation Time announced

Nintendo have announced when the Nintendo Switch Presentation will be broadcast all over the world. It will be broadcast on January 12th/13th (depending on time zone). North America (Pacific Time): 8PM (January 12th) North America (Eastern Time): 11PM (January 12th) …
3DS eShop releases for 1st December

This week is probably one of the busiest weeks of the 3DS eShop update in 2016 with releases like Super Mario Maker and Picross 3D: Round 2. In addition SEGA have loads of discounts for their 25th Anniversary of Sonic. …
StreetPass Donegal Meetup • September 10th

On Saturday September 10th North West Ireland will be playing host to its first ever Nintendo 3DS meetup (with a hint of Pokémon Go). Yes, the group StreetPass Donegal are convening at The Exchange, which is a Community Centre in …