nintendo direct
Pokemon Shuffle is out on eShop from today

Pokemon Shuffle is available on eShop from today in the EU at least. In last month’s Nintendo Direct stream one of the games announced for release was Pokemon Shuffle. The game while sharing similar gameplay to Pokemon Link/Battle has a …
New 3DS models details [Updated 16/1/15]

Yesterday at the Nintendo Direct stream, it was announced that the new 3DS and 3DS XL models would be released in Europe on the 13th February. Here are a few details on the features and predicted pricing for these models: …
Images of NEW 3DS models revealed

During today’s Japanese Nintendo Direct, it was revealed that the 3DS and 3DS XL (LL in Japan) will be upgraded with new features. The revised hardware will include Near Field Communication (NFC) as standard ,a second smaller Circle Pad, additional …
Etrian Odyssey Untold UK/EU release date announced

On yesterday’s Nintendo Direct announcement, one of the news items reported was the release date of Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl in the UK and Europe, considering the American release was released back in October 2013. The original game …
Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies Demo available on eShop

For those anxiously waiting to play the latest entry to the Ace Attorney series, there is hope in that a playable demo has been released onto the eShop as CAPCOM mentioned on today’s Nintendo Direct stream. The demo has 30 …