
Happy 25th Birthday Wayforward and some savings.

Wayforward who are best known for games such as Shantae and Mighty Switch Force, are celebrating their 25th birthday and in connection with that they are having some of their games on sale. Nintendo 3DS eShop (12th – 19th March …Continue reading →

3DS eShop downloads for 5th February

Good afternoon gamers, this week unlike the last few will be a huge week for downloading as for starters the long awaited third Shantae game reaches Europe and a MH4U demo for those that didn’t get the special codes last …Continue reading →

Preview: Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse @ EGX 2014

Take a curvy young Middle Eastern (or Sequinian if you want to be specific) lass and infuse her with Will Smith’s charisma plus Willow’s penchant for whipping hair back and fourth and you have feisty genie Shantae. As protagonists go …Continue reading →

Preview: Zombie Panic in Wonderland @ EGX 2014

There seemed to be something of a Wonderland theme among the 3DS line-up at this year’s EGX (which was stellar by the way! Very well done Nintendo!). Not only did Lewis Carroll’s trippy alternate dimension feature in Persona Q, it …Continue reading →

Cubit the Hardcore Platformer Robot: Full Review

Well, this game is definitely direct about how difficult it is, something not many titles do (looking at you Shantae). With that out of the way, onto the game itself. The player controls a cute robot, Cubit, and you endlessly …Continue reading →

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