Wii U
Smash for the Switch: New Game or Port?

At the end of Nintendo Direct (8th March) there was a sneak peek of what was thought to be more Splatoon announcements when during then, the well known Smash logo appeared, implying that Splatoon characters will be in the upcoming …
Switch Sales Have Overtaken the Wii U

Nintendo have released their Q3 Results for the financial year (Oct to Dec 2017) revealing that 14.86m Nintendo Switch consoles have now been sold worldwide since the platform’s launch in March last year. This is compared to the 13.5 million …
Nintendo Switch global sales hits 10 million mark.

The Nintendo Switch hasn’t been out for a year and already it has reached the 10 million mark in global sales during it’s 9 months of release. It’s predecessor the Wii U had managed 13.56 million sales in 4 years. …
Nintendo Switch sells 4.7 million units worldwide

Nintendo has released their earnings report ending 30th June 2017 and it has stated that the Switch console has sold 4.7 million units so far. This figure may seem surprising seeing as the console as seen stock shortages worldwide due …
Switch Doubled Wii U sales in first week.

For those curious about the Switch’s initial sale figures, the Nintendo Switch has sold approximately 80,000 units in the first week of sale, which is double the amount of it’s predecessor the Wii U but short of the 3DS and …