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Celestial Council Congress #5 ~ Best Use of StreetPass

After a long break the Celestial Council have reconvened! This time the Councillors come together to talk about the games they feel make the best use of the 3DS’ StreetPass function. Taking part this time is Nameri, Derrin Jacques, NintyFanDavid …Continue reading →

StreetPass London

Want to meet some of the 3DSBlessed crew? Well now’s your chance, as some of us have set up a new meetup group : StreetPass London! StreetPass London is the latest group to be founded as part of StreetPassUK’s national network …Continue reading →

Nintendo Life @ Eurogamer 2013

One highly visible exhibit at this year’s Eurogamer (especially from the visual perspective of those visiting the Nintendo section) was the Nintendo Life zone. Partnered with the mighty Eurogamer itself ; Nintendo Life is the biggest Nintendo fansite on the …Continue reading →

DS:London : Meet, drink and play Nintendo

DS:London is a long-running meet-up group that meets in Central London approximately every 3 weeks. The main activity of these meets is, ofcourse, getting stuck in to some multiplayer gaming with the latest handheld Nintendo consoles. This makes it an …Continue reading →

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